Fast hill track trial for Chorleywood

Posted On April 1, 2016
April 01, 2016

Chorleywood is one of three towns in south east England to be shortlisted for trialling an incline assist system. The all weather ePED Vitesse moving track designed to help pedestrians tackle the trickiest exterior slopes was originally developed in France for alpine villages, and is being considered for installation at a few UK towns with steep hills – Chorleywood, St Albans and Guildford in the south east are earmarked along with others around the country including Scarborough, Lincoln and Barry, South Wales.

The track is neatly embedded into pavements, runs flush to the surface and can be walked over safely when not in motion.  It is electronically controlled and residents can wear ePEDv wristbands or download an app on their smart phone or watch to activate it on approaching.  Alternatively stylish covers with an integrated remote sensor can be slipped over shoes. The ePEDv has a facility to be converted to a fitness aid at the touch of a button or swipe of screen .. the direction can be reversed and there is an option of speeds to suit different fitness challenge levels. The device has been well received by all ages and will only switch mode when there is nobody else using the track. The initial site being considered for installation is  Shire Lane, and if successful could be followed by Berks Hill and Colleyland.


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