Remembering Elizabeth Macleod Matthews

Posted On April 1, 2016
April 01, 2016

We were saddened to hear about the passing of Elizabeth MacLeod Matthews
of Chenies Manor. Elizabeth had been diagnosed with a brain tumour and passed away peacefully on Tuesday 15 March, 2016. “We have moved back into the house so it has become a family home again” says son Charles, “We are carrying on as normal and the house and garden will remain open as my mother would have wished.”


“When we were working late in the studio she would bring us a welcome glass of wine and cake and the dogs would sit outside waiting for their biscuit treat. Lots of good memories of a lovely and very hard working lady devoted to Chenies and her precious garden.”

 Sue and Martin Garnett, Framework Studios (Retired)


“Elizabeth was so passionate about her garden and sharing it with everybody. She was very generous and supportive about everything, especially our literary lunches – she brought them to a different level. When were at an event we could never find her, she would inevitably be working in the garden! She was very pro the local businesses and trying to find ways we could work together and liked to involve The Peppermill as caterers”

Sheryl Shurville, Chorleywood Bookshop


“Elizabeth came into the Pharmacy most Saturday mornings to get her things and set her up for a busy weekend with her beautiful gardens. She always invited me to her July plant fairs!”

Hitesh Dodhia, Parade Pharmacy


“Elizabeth would come into the store for bits and bobs for the Manor, she was a valued customer who was down to earth and liked by everyone. Her son came in before Christmas and ordered three wheelbarrows for her present! “

Anthony Forshaw, Poores


“She was a marvellous woman and will be greatly missed. She was a great supporter of our shops and cafes would come in for a trolleyload every week.”

John May, J J May


“I found her a remarkable lady – when I would cater for events at the Manor she would usually be around the garden pushing heavy loads of soil in a wheelbarrow. “

Don Corney, J J May


“Elizabeth Macleod Matthews, with her husband, faithfully restored Chenies Manor ruin some fifty years ago, creating the magnificent Manor House that, like Lady Elizabeth, has become and will now remain, the epitome of Chenies”.

Bob Arthy


Elizabeth was an admirable, no-nonsense lady who was passionate about so many things, not least saving our much

threatened bee population, a mission we intend
to fully support in the Magazine going forward .” Jill Visser, Chorleywood Magazine


Read more memories of Elizabeth Macloed Matthews and add your own at


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