Talk of Chorleywood pond

Posted On November 5, 2015
November 05, 2015

Summer dresses and poems about frogspawn might seem odd in November but it’s all with good reason. Melinda Lovell’s poem Rituals published in the current edition of the isimg_293Resurgence and Ecologist magazine (Nov/Dec, P52) mentions Chorleywood Pond so we just had to publish it too.  Melinda, known to her friends as Lindy, was born Clare Chesterman and lived in Shire Lane.

We are fans of her River Chess blog








Here’s the poem…

Even more amazing than the golden kingcups

was the frogspawn in spring

oozing generously in Chorleywood Pond,

plump jelly freckled with black dots,

clogging the water ponderously


We knew, from last year and the year before,

when we two weren’t yet seven and eight,

that these frog-eggs would calmly metamorphose –

grow from dots to commas to tadpoles

to jumping frogs with limbs and bulbous eyes


Wading in to capture a glob of the magic stuff,

a bucket for her, a bucket for me, and some weed,

we’d bear it solemnly back over the common.

Week by week, we liked to compare

when tadpoles hatched, got their tails, gills, legs,


till by late June, they were so nearly frogs

we’d take them back to the same pond.

We were satisfied. Without trying,

they would become their frog-selves – some of them that is –

if no enemy from water or air loomed


Melinda Lovell

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