Betsy’s Nan walks for Brain Tumour Research

Posted On February 18, 2021
February 18, 2021

Betsy Griffin’s grandmother is taking on the 10,000 Steps a Day in February Challenge to raise funds for Brain Tumour Research.

Seven year old Betsy was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour diagnosed five years ago which sadly took away her sight and damaged her pituitary gland. She is well known in Chorleywood for her high spirts and determination and has built up a following for her positivity videos.

 “I am really proud of Nanny Sharon and what she is doing to help find a cure and am walking with her during this half-term” says Betsy, “  She is spandangle, which is a word I made up to describe something fabulous!”

“I am not someone who likes going to the gym, but if I do exercise it would be a walk.” saysNanny Sharon Exelby, “However, if it wasn’t for Betsy and raising funds for Brain Tumour Research, I wouldn’t normally choose to go out during the freezing cold weather we are having! But we desperately need to find more effective treatments and ultimately a cure for brain tumours.”

To donate to Sharon’s fundraising please go to

Be sure to mention Sharon Exelby and Betsy if you donate

To view Betsy’s Positive Video on Brain Tumour Research go to

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