In her early sixties, Sue Davies was looking for a spare time activity and came across Rickmansworth Sailing Club. Now, four years on, she spends Sundays and some Wednesday evenings during the Summer months at Troy Lake, West Hyde, Ricky, in a sailing boat, kayak, power boat, just chilling, or on duty in the Club House
”I saw the Rickmansworth Sailing Club details in a U3A brochure and thought ..that’s something I’ve never done! I went along to the club at Troy Lake, did both courses – dinghy sailing and power boating – and got hooked. I’ve never looked back!”
The first sailing course is aimed at beginners, the second on mastering skills. Both run for two days and cover things like rigging, ropework, sailing techniques and manoeuvres and safety.
Many people sail all year round regardless of weather, but Sue is a fair weather sailor!
“ It’s much nicer in summer and I go most weeks, either crewing on a sailing boat, doing safety cover in a powerboat or paddling in a kayak. Club members have keys and can use facilities any time although it’s essential somebody is around in case of difficulties and good to have help if you struggle. I enjoy power boats the most, I feel a lot safer with an engine underneath me!”
Sailing builds muscle strength in arms, legs, back and shoulders and one hour of hard paddling in a kayak can burn over 300 calories but it’s not all about fitness.
“ I just love being involved and have been on the Committee for the last 3 years recently taking over as Membership Secretary. There are sailing and social events all year. Everybody’s so friendly. I just wish I’d taken up sailing many years ago, but better late than never!”